Pat McGrath Labs Foundation and Powder Review - TESTING BEAUTY - EPISODE 14

Sachini wearing Pat McGrath

Testing Beauty! The beauty series that puts all the makeup and skincare products to the test! In Episode 14, we are testing the Pat McGrath Labs Foundation and Powder. We know it is expensive, a celebrity favourite and not many people have tested it, so is it worth the high price tag? Is it truly all that luxurious?

Price : Foundation is £60 and Powder is £42

Texture and Coverage: This is the first foundation I have seen with rock solid full coverage with a water/light serum-like texture. One coat is more than sufficient, and very little goes a long way. I like to apply mine with my fingers the same way I would put on a skin care product because it is very light. Very impressive formula!

The powder is a very fine and granular texture which works very well with a powder puff for under the eyes and with a powder brush. I noticed that it makes my skin feel super smooth.

Colour Range: The foundation comes in 36 shades, covering all skin tones equally across the board. The powder doesn't have as many shades, but a shade can cover many foundation tones and depend on how much coverage you need from the powder, there is a good range to choose from.

Longevity: Perhaps because of the very water-like texture, perhaps it is the formula, this foundation and powder lasted a long day and an evening. I was very pleasantly surprised by how it did not move. I did powder once more for the evening, but overall the lasting power is very good.

Value for Money: Pat McGrath is not known for being affordable. It is a brand that sits at the top of luxury regarding makeup. And through the quality of the products, packaging the service, I can see why. While I still think they are expensive, they also have the quality of a little going a long way, and I like to invest in the items that are made to do the job right and make me feel confident.

Final Scores: 10/10 for both the foundation and powder!

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